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Writer's pictureKacie Hunt

Right here, right now.

Stephen. The first Christian martyr. Someone that so many of us look up to as an example of how to truly stand up for Christ and to live out our faith. I think in our minds we sometimes put Stephen on a pedestal by thinking he had some kind of “platform” that is beyond our reach. If you read the first part of Acts 6, though you might see something quite different. In these verses he was given the duty of “serving tables”. Hmmmm... that’s not exactly a position that you would think could lead him to preaching a 50 verse sermon in front of the Sanhedrin, is it?

Much like sin begets sin, I think we can see here that in the same way obedience begets obedience. The disciples saw a need. The widows were not being cared for in the way they should have been. They knew they couldn’t step away from the task that The Lord had placed before them so they found worthy people to fill that need. Stephen willingly stepping in. We don’t see him complaining that the disciples’ job was more “glamorous”, but he too, faithfully served where The Lord placed him. Here’s where things get exciting for me as I read. The Bible says in Acts 6:8 “And Stephen, full of grace and power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people.” He didn’t serve the widows their food, brush off his hands, and say “my job here is done.” He took every opportunity to show the power of Jesus’ name.

As we read on, we see that the officials did not like what Stephen was doing. He ended up standing before the high priest and basically summing up the Old Testament with that 50 verse sermon that I referred to earlier. This did not ease any of the tension and Stephen, faithful to the end, was stoned to death. We see Stephen living by Jesus’ example to the end as the Bible describes his final moments “And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." And when he had said this, he fell asleep.” Acts 7:60. Guess what? One of the people he was praying forgiveness over just happened to be Saul. Yes, the same Saul that will be known as Paul. The same Paul that wrote the words “to live is Christ and to die is gain”. So here we see Stephen so clearly living out the words that Paul (who is partially responsible for Stephen’s death) would later pen and live out himself. Paul’s goes on to write much of the New Testament and to reach MANY for Christ! How awesome is our God!?!?

Friend, God has you where you are right now, today, in this moment, for a reason. I have had this conversation with several friends lately and believe me, I’m talking to myself here as well. It’s so easy to look around us both in person and on social media and to compare “platforms”. Just because you’re not speaking in front of thousands doesn’t mean God won’t use your voice. Just because you don’t have a musical bone in your body doesn’t mean that God won’t use the talents he has given you to spread the gospel. Be faithful with what The Lord has given you. Be faithful with what He has placed before you right here and right now. Be obedient and share His Word with anyone that will listen (and even those that won’t). You are making a difference by reaching people for His Kingdom! What a joy and an honor it is to be used for His glory!!!


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